ABN AMRO Spotlight On: Simon Womersley

'Spotlight On' is the platform where you can get to know some of the members of our team. Each edition looks at the biggest value-add each role brings to clients, what's the best thing about working for ABN AMRO and answers to a number of personal questions. This week the focus is on Simon Womersley, Relationship Manager of ABN AMRO Lease UK.
When did you join ABN AMRO Lease?
I’ve been with ABN AMRO Lease for four years now, although my career in asset finance spans over thirty years - previously having worked for Santander, Barclays and Lombard.
Describe your role at ABN AMRO Asset Based Finance…
I’m part of the ABN AMRO Lease team predominately covering the South West of England as well as South Wales, although I do have a portfolio of clients in the vehicle rental and contract hire sectors which takes me further afield. My role involves managing new and existing clients as well as intermediaries for new funding requirements and in life management. I’m also responsible for the internal management of clients via our various departments.
What do you enjoy most about your work?
Assisting businesses by funding their new investment plans. I have worked alongside many businesses over the years and it’s always been a pleasure to support them to grow and succeed.
What’s the biggest value-add your role brings to clients?
I love being able to share knowledge with clients and colleagues. Years of experience in dealing with different clients across many business sectors has provided me with a wealth of knowledge on assets, funding structures as well as sector specific insight.
What does a normal day of remote work look like for you?
My role means I was working from home pre-Covid-19, although of course Covid has meant some changes. I used to travel to see clients face-to-face and this has now switched to online meetings, this means better efficiency as well as environmental benefits in terms of sustainability, it’s also great to maintain client interaction - albeit virtually. Aside from supporting clients, my daily routine includes providing quotes and preparing deals for new growth opportunities, writing and submitting credit review papers, managing client in life queries and internal project discussions.
How are you staying connected with your clients during these challenging times?
Covid-19 has certainly meant adapting in terms of how we all connect for the foreseeable future. Naturally technology has played a big part in making this much easier than it would have been a few years ago. Online video meetings have become a very important tool in our communication with clients and staying connected at this time is of course very important. I work to make clients know we at ABN AMRO Lease are there to support them now, more than ever.
Do you have any tips to find a good work-life balance while working remotely?
Without a commute, timing your working day is a little easier and allows for some flexibility. It is of course important to keep to a routine and, space permitting, to have a proper work-station. Taking regular breaks away from the screen and being seated is also good as is keeping away from the biscuit tin!
What was your dream job as a child?
This seems like a long-time ago now! My father worked as a film editor so I always fancied being a TV cameraman. Whilst in secondary school I became interested in economics and decided that working within banking and finance was the job for me. The rest is history…..
What makes your heart beat faster?
I enjoy spending time on the water. Power-boating certainly raises the heartbeat whilst sailing does a good job in bringing it back down to a more restful pace!